BE LIKE JESUS by Hector Perez
Be like Jesus, modeling His life in your home as a beacon of light, Guiding your family through the shadows of the darkest night. Be like Jesus, displaying His love, a sweet aroma that fills every room, Dispelling despair and expunging all gloom. Be like Jesus, conveying words of kindness, Bringing hope to wounded souls who sit in darkness. Be like Jesus, radiating beams of compassionate light, Helping blinded souls discover new celestial sight. Be like Jesus, a clay vessel of grace and peace, Pointing the unruly to Him who causes all divisions to cease. Be like Jesus, loving others without condition, Embracing the hurting who need salvation from the Great Physician. Be like Jesus, caring for the widow or oppressed, Investing quality time to ensure all are truly blessed. Be like Jesus, echoing His teachings divine, Inspiring faith in Him who transforms water into wine. Then we will no longer be like babies. We will not be people who are always changing li...