Engraved in His hands, are the SCARS of cruel nails, Marks of great suffering to remind you that salvation did prevail. The brutal SCARS of Jesus, oh, how they tell, The story of His unfailing love that no one can dispel. His side was pierced and SCARRED by a spear of death, A disfigured and beaten body that gasped its final breath. The blood and water that poured out from the gash, Was His heart bursting with sacred love which forever will last! When the triggers of bitter SCARS hit you hard, Listen to the voice of Jesus saying, "For you, I was MARRED ." Your SCARS which are m emories of agonizing pain, Never are forgotten by Jesus nor suffered in vain. The SCARS of your past no longer need to be concealed, For by the wounds of Jesus, you are healed! The LORD will use your SCARS of painful affliction, To help SCARRED souls who need CHRIST'S HEALING LOVE that came through His crucifixion!